Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where Has Britney’s Tummy Disappeared To?

See, that’s what happens when you start taking an active interest in your own life.

When your jelly belly disappears thanks to some exercise or plastic surgery or maybe even dieting, it’s a sign that your body is being taken care of very well. And you have to hand it to Britney Spears who almost wrecked her life earlier this year.

Ever since she made that guest appearance on How I Met Your Mother, her personal life and physical self has been on a major makeover spree. But regardless of her exercising, her tummy did not seem to want to go.

There were rumors about a pregnancy and speculations about Jamie Lynn having company for her child.

But Britney’s romp in Costa Rica has dispelled all my doubts about her pregnancy or weight gain. Her paunch looks positively healthy and her face looks like its regaining some of its earlier spark.

A tummy tuck surgery on the other hand is a fabulous way to get rid of unwanted flab and sagging skin in the tummy region. While the Plastic Surgery Institute of California doesn’t feel that Britney could have had tummy tuck procedures and recovered from it in such a short time, we wouldn’t put it past her to get some cellulite reduction treatments to get rid of the belly.

Wanna know what are your tyre-blasting options? Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute for tummy tuck prices and procedures info.

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