Friday, May 30, 2008

Wanna Get The Dark Knight’s Abs?

Ooh… He’s simply gorgeous!

Christian Bale is going to be back as Batman and I can’t wait to see his yumminess in all his PVC glory. This blond 34-year-old has to be the hunkiest batman after George Clooney and like his predecessor has taken pains to maintain his physique.

It goes without saying that washboard abs top the list of must-haves if you want to play Batman. You want to save lives? You have to look seriously sizzling while doing it.

Not everybody is blessed with abs that make women swoon though. Even with exercise, it is difficult get those cuts and if you are a bit tubby around the belly good luck to you. But then again, if you fall in the latter category you’re probably lucky.

Because thanks to advanced tummy tuck techniques, abdominal etching takes care of the flab you could do without. In a cosmetic surgery procedure that makes use of liposuction techniques, doctors manipulate unwanted fat and carve them into grooves that look like six-packs.

This is a completely aesthetic tummy tuck procedure though and might not make you eligible for a loan. However, the effects are spectacular and completely worth the look you’ll get from your girlfriend.

It’s ok to be narcissistic and take care of yourself once in a while men. A tummy tuck or abdominal etching could very well be the coolest way to feel trim and fit this summer.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you out with tummy tuck prices and procedures.

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Gorge Up!