Friday, May 30, 2008

Too Much Fat In Your Tummy? Time To Rejoice!

Everybody repeat after me- “Fat is not my enemy”. Say it loud and clear and with joy.

Ok, before you pelt me for being pro-obesity read this:

On an average there are around 450,000 liposuction and tummy tuck procedures performed in the U.S. each year. The fat that is extracted from these cosmetic surgeries can be said amount to roughly 2 million lbs.

Seven lbs of fat are removed per procedure after which the collected mass is sent for incineration. Incineration releases around a thousand tons of carbon into the atmosphere. The released carbon is equivalent to driving around for two miles.

Now just think about what you are doing to the atmosphere with an innocent tummy tuck surgery.

You don’t have to feel bad about all the damage you are doing though. Well, you can feel a little bit sorry for all the burgers and fries and shakes you consumed, but that’ll probably do you good and will serve as good future motivation.

What you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is either purchase carbon credits or simply utilize your fat for your own body. The latter option provides you a chance to enhance your body as well- even if you have to pay more than what you might have to pay for a credit.

Ask your tummy tuck plastic surgeon for a fat transfer cosmetic surgery which will solve a lot of problems. Stay tuned to this space on the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about what you can do for yourself and the environment.

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Gorge Up!