Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Those Dastardly Stretch Marks!:

Rapid weight gain and weight loss result in the formation of stretch marks or striae. Commonly plaguing women who have just delivered and people who experience weight fluctuations, stretch marks are unwanted skin developments.

When the dermis or the middle layer of the skin loses its buoyancy, fine or thick purplish lines develop. These lines progress into white or slivery streaks which obtain a glossy look. While some people are fortunate enough to lose striae or stretch marks over time, there are certain skin types that retain stretch marks. Besides over the counter products like creams and artificial tanning treatments, cosmetic surgery has devised non surgical methods of dealing with stretch marks, namely via microdermabrasion and certain laser treatments. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we even offer customized cosmetic surgery options that minimize or do away completely with stretch marks. It is possible to incorporate stretch mark removal in an abdominoplasty procedure. Strategically placed incisions in the abdominal area during a tummy tuck procedure remove striae. This procedure is recommended only for adult women though. For teenagers dealing with stretch marks due to puberty, laser treatments supervised by a plastic surgeon or a trained dermatologist are the advised way to remove them.

Visit our advanced surgical institute for plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancement if you wish to combine a stretch mark removal treatment with a tummy tuck surgery.

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