Friday, April 18, 2008

Abdominoplasty After Slimming Down From 35 Pounds To 20 Pounds:

Whenever I read stories about people who have overcome all odds and fought the battle against obesity I feel a sense of fascination and awe. Fascination because the number of reasons why people will put on weight range from the lazy to the totally helpless, and awe because well, losing all that weight must have taken a lot of determination. Zelda’s story ran these familiar feelings through my mind. A 44 year-old mother of two boys, Zelda Haxby put on weight to escape from the stark situation she found herself in- her younger son was diagnosed with a heart defect. She bloated to a massive 35-stone reached such a stage, that she couldn’t move without effort due to her weight. Today she has lost 15-stone weight and is a contender for a slimming award and is just 4-stone shy of getting relief for a tummy tuck surgery. An abdominoplasty could help her dump the excess baggage of loosened skin and tighten up her abdominal muscles. While she still looks pretty rotund, a tummy tuck surgery or a body contouring procedure could help her get a figure that is more defined. Are you one of those people who have just dealt with losing a lot of weight? A talk with one of our expert consultants at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California could help you budget out a tummy tuck surgery.


chantelle said...

I would just like to correct you, my good friend Zelda Haxby has lost 15 stone not pounds, and is expected to loose another 4 stone by the NHS until she can even have a consultation.
Chantelle, York

CSI said...

Hullo Chantelle and thank you for pointing out that error. I have got it rectified. I really hope Zelda reaches her weight loss goal and gets to have the consultation.
What do you think? I would love to hear your views.

Gorge Up!