Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Silver Lining In Breast Cancer – Abdominoplasty:

Lillie Shockney was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 38 years-old and found little to feel happy about when she found herself in this situation. Today, as the administrative director of the Breast Center and a University Distinguished Service assistant professor in the Hopkins School of Medicine, Shockney empowers women who find themselves in a similar condition. One of the core people responsible for the law that made it mandatory for health insurers to include breast reconstruction surgery, Shockney works hard to keep the women that she helps fight breast cancer positive about their condition. She informs them about the procedure that can help them get a slimmed down waist along with a new breast after a mastectomy.

Reconstructive surgery after breast cancer has improved considerably in the past decade. Doctors are able to craft women a new breast using their own body tissues with procedures like the DIEP flap and TRAM flap methods. Depending on the technique chosen by the plastic surgeon, body fat, blood vessels, skin and tissue from the patient’s abdominal area are removed and transplanted into the chest area. Doing so allows the plastic surgeon to sculpt the abdominal muscles and give it proper contours via a tummy tuck surgery. Fighting breast cancer is not an easy battle and like Lillie Shockney the plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California understand this. Get in touch with us at our advanced surgical institute for plastic surgery. We can help you seek out that silver lining.

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