Monday, March 31, 2008

Looking Good After A Stomach Stapling:

Rumors of Sharon Osbourne getting back to her pudgy state have been surfacing just days after the first wife of rock ‘n roll was voted as the best plastic surgery looker by FX Channel. At one time, Osbourne was a whopping size 22. A combination of various weight loss surgeries and plastic surgery procedures made the woman a svelte size 10.

One of the weight loss procedures she’s rumored to have had is stomach stapling, also known as gastric banding or vertical banded gastroplasty. Approved by the FDA in 2001, this restrictive operation (operations that make the stomach smaller) reduces the size of the stomach dropping the urge to eat more. Plastic surgery help for patients who have had a stomach stapling operation include cosmetic procedures like tummy tuck surgery, panniculectomy and liposuction which tighten stomach muscles, remove excess skin and suction off residual fat respectively.

The correct combination of surgeries is decided by the plastic surgeon for best results. This is mainly because all these surgeries are major operations with recovery times that differ.

Influencing factors like patient age, severity of the obesity problem, psychological strength of the patient and physical suitability of the patient have to be considered as well. Umpteen patients have expressed their satisfaction with body contouring and toning plastic surgery procedures after a WLS procedure like stomach stapling. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we offer patients who need to lose weight this same satisfaction with splendid patient-care thrown in.

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