Friday, March 28, 2008

The Belly Dancer Belly:

The ravishing Catherine Zeta Jones, of Chicago fame, is going to star as a belly dancer in a film about Harry Houdini, the famous magician. At 41, the Welsh beauty is still making heads turn and recently launched the Elizabeth Arden perfume Red Door.

The movie just might bring about a revival of the belly dancing trend that hit hip exercise-savvy circles earlier in the decade, and refocus on the one part that is given slightly more importance than the rest of the body in this exercise/dance form – the belly. As a body toning exercise belly dancing is said to be an excellent calorie-burner and de-stressor, not to mention giving a work out for hundreds of muscles. Body size doesn’t matter for this dance form, with it favoring people who are voluptuous.

But what about those women who are more lumpy than curvy and have more fat in their abdominal area than voluptuous curves? Regular exercise does not take care of body weight any more than exotic belly dancing can in certain individuals.

Plastic surgery options like liposuction followed by a tummy tuck can help such cases. Unwanted fat deposits in the abdominal and surrounding area can be removed in a liposuction procedure. The tummy tuck takes care of removal of the remnants of fat removal, namely excess skin and loose muscles.

Regular exercises and even exotic body toning methods like belly dancing can commence after the recovery period has got over. You can enjoy an invigorating belly dancing session better after a plastic surgery like a tummy tuck. Indeed, maintaining your weight becomes more fun. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for a tummy tuck surgery appointment today.

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