Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pregnancy After A Tummy Tuck Surgery:

Tummy tuck surgeries are a favorite cosmetic surgery procedure for women who have just given birth. An abdominoplasty can tauten, smoothen and slim down excess skin from a pregnancy. Doctors try to ascertain that patients who want to bear more children in the future are discouraged from having a tummy tuck cosmetic surgery procedure.

The reason behind this precaution lies in the muscle behavior during pregnancy. The skin and the muscles in the tummy region stretch out to accommodate the fetus. Over a period of nine months the skin and muscles dilate enough to lose any former elasticity that may have been achieved from a prior tummy tuck.

Pockets of fat that are not very exercise-friendly also build up in the abdominal wall adding to the tummy shape. But over-all, a tummy tuck procedure is not considered harmful for the fetus. However, this might differ for different patients and it is best to consult your gynecologist and your plastic surgeon.

If you have had a tummy tuck surgery and are expecting a child, you can visit us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. We have an expert team of consultants and cosmetic surgeons who can guide you in taking care of your changing body.

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