Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jade Goody Needs A Tummy Tuck More Than A Botox Party

From one of the most-hated women in Britain to one of the most sought after celebrities, life has been a roller coaster of sorts for Jade Goody.

Springing up from a difficult childhood Jade practiced as a dental nurse until Big Brother snapped her up in 2002 and eventually kicked her out for her behavior. Since then fame and fortune have pursued her as closely as her crazy personal life.

One of the more
priceless bloopers attributed to Jade Goody is her liposuction surgery which she apparently had for marketing her fitness DVD. While it is not really surprising that she had cosmetic surgery, what is unexpected however is that she did not follow it up with a tummy tuck.

As a woman in the spotlight who finds it difficult to control her weight, Jade Goody really requires a
tummy tuck procedure. Recent pictures of Jade in a bikini while vacationing in Marbella, Spain have surfaced and her scars seem very prominent (a tummy tuck can hide such scars).

There is no muscle tone in her belly as well- another problem that a
tummy tuck in Los Angeles or Orange County at our advanced surgical institute can cure.

Looks like Jade needs that
tummy tuck surgery more than she needs to add Botox to her face.

Visit the
Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills and our attractive tummy tuck prices.

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