Monday, June 30, 2008

Ditch The Pounds With Breakfast Or A Tummy Tuck

Adelle Davis had it bang on when she told the world to "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper."


Researcher Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz proceeded to prove Adele right by expounding on her adage at a recent San Francisco conference. She presented her studies on women who had been put on special diets for a period spanning several months.


People who breakfasted lavishly were usually found to include fibre and fruit making it a very healthy course of action. Such breakfast menu also caused them to lose out on hunger pangs, naturally making them feel less inclined to eat.


Quite a natural weight control method I must say.


For an overweight person this could result in unsatisfactory results. This is mainly because once the diet is on track and the tummy has been taken in there will be pockets of flesh that will look bulky. At such a stage tummy tuck surgery can prove to be very handy.


Tummy tuck procedures trim off excess, unwanted skin lending the belly a wonderful toned look. See the options we have at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

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