Friday, December 28, 2007

ENDERMOLOGIE: Banish Cellulite:

ENDERMOLOGIE has been a specialized procedure for the treatment of cellulite since 1986. Over 100,000 treatments are now performed every day in over 95 countries worldwide. Endermologie treatments are non-invasive and enrich the look of cellulite.Endermologie is a FDA cleared process, developed by LPG, using the Cellu M6 Keymodule machine to temporarily, yet efficiently condense the appearance of cellulite and circumferential body measurements of treated areas. In its original form Endermologie was used to recuperate scars, burns and damaged muscular tissue. The reduction of cellulite and significant inch loss from the body was only a side-effect of Endermologie. The Keymodule's undersized hand-held, motorized treatment, head with specially designed rollers performs the Endermologie treatment. By tenderly lifting and rolling the skin, the Cellu M6 Keymodule stimulates local blood circulation thus dropping surplus fluids. Endermologie also smoothens the surface of the skin. All treatments at Plastic Surgery Institute of California are accomplished by a qualified Endermologie Therapist. At Plastic Surgery Institute of California, all Endermologie Therapists are trained and certified by LPG One. With the highly skilled therapist at Plastic Surgery Institute of California, and the machine's capability of changing intensity, you won't need to be in pain. Endermologie is a non-invasive, soothing cure that comprises no medical procedures or use of any chemical substances, creams or gels. A series of 10 sessions would be a fair commencement to accomplish desired results. Queries:

Plastic Surgery, Men And Abdominoplasty:

The increasing no. of men turning towards plastic surgery is on a constant rise. As per a recent study, the total number of cosmetic procedures on men grew by 16 per cent between 2000 and 2005, with breast reduction, abdominoplasty, lip augmentation, eyelid surgery and liposuction among the most popular. Among non-invasive procedures, men choose Botox injections, as well as chemical peels, collagen injections and microdermabrasion. Today men desire to smell good, to have smoother skin and to be more alert to how they look. Men turn to plastic surgery for many reasons physical and psychological. Cosmetic surgery is not just a replacement for a healthy lifestyle in today’s time; it also helps one look and feel better about oneself. With procedures for droopy eyelids, bulging love handles and over-sized breasts, more men are readjusting their bodies to boost their looks and stack the odds in their favor career-wise. Having expertise in the most advanced plastic surgeries like abdominoplasty & having the best plastic surgeons both national and international; at Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we are able to provide the patients with the countless options available today for body & health enrichment. know more:

The Bellybutton Makeover:

Some women barely spare it a glance, and some women try to ignore it. Most men are fascinated with it, and their women as a result, obsess compulsively over it. The bellybutton has found its own place in the multitude of plastic surgery However far fetched it may sound bellybutton makeovers are here to stay. Members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery re-vamped bellybuttons of 1534 people. Most people who go in for a bellybutton makeover are usually those who love baring their midriffs. A lot of them go on to get belly jewelry like rings and studs and maybe even a tattoo. Then again there are people who want to reign in a protruding bellybutton and make it look more hip. But there are also women who want their bellybuttons back in shape after a pregnancy or a options available for men and women with a makeover dedicated to its tiny solitary self.laproscopy. There’s nothing subversive in wanting one. Just make sure you consult the right doctor before you think of revamping that remnant of your birth. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more about the services and cosmetic procedures that we have on offer to get you a fab looking tummy.

The Mini Abdominoplasty:

The mini tuck is a popular option for women looking to re-shape their body post pregnancy as it remedies lax lower abdominal muscles. The post pregnancy bulge can be effectively removed with a mini abdominoplasty. The incisions used for this type of abdominoplasty are smaller than the ones made in the traditional tummy tuck. As a result the scars of a mini tuck are less visible. The recovery period is also quicker. A mini abdominoplasty exclusively corrects problems that occur in the lower abdomen area [reaches till the pubic area]. It can also remove excess skin besides tightening the muscles of the lower abdomen. It is unable to address deformities in the upper abdomen. When used in conjunction with a liposuction, it can also help a patient get rid of fat above the umbilicus. There are quite a few obese patients who prefer this procedure to a regular liposuction or abdominoplasty. If a patient suffers from conditions that warrant a traditional abdominoplasty, then a mini abdominoplasty is not much of a help. For removing a large amount of excess skin a standard abdominoplasty is what our doctors recommend. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, Beverly Hills, we offer plastic surgeryliposuction, tummy tucks and other related procedures like a mini abdominoplasty. Our facilities are fully equipped and board certified doctors are available for consultation and advice on each aspect of your problem from finance to post-surgery care. procedures like

Friday, December 21, 2007

Washboard Abs:

Washboard abs are everyone’s dream. Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck or simply TT, is the surgery of the abdomen to remove the excess skin and fat that may accumulate after pregnancy, obesity or age. Having a flat stomach or more commonly, “washboard abs” is not just accomplished by working out daily, it has to become an all-encompassing lifestyle. The key components are healthy diet, cardiovascular training, and abdominal exercises. If a movie star stomach is your goal, you must realize that to achieve your goal you have to first concentrate on what you eat, not how many situps you do in a day. Of course, as with any fitness and health goal – nutrition and exercise are always the main ingredient. This procedure is not only for women but is widely sought after even by men. Regardless of gender, this isn't a simple procedure and you should definitely be aware of the risks and post-operative care and attendance that will be needed. Abdominoplasty surgery is beneficial in helping these individuals obtain a tauter, slimmer waist and flatter abdomen. In some cases, abdominoplasty is not needed and only suction-assisted lipectomy can improve the loose skin of the abdomen. Also endoscopic abdominoplasty may be an option for those who need more than just abdominal liposuction. You must be mentally and emotionally stable to undergo a cosmetic procedure. This is an operation which requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period. We at The Plastic Surgery Institute of California help you achieve and attain your dream. No exercise, no diets just a simple procedure and you can achieve Hollywood looks! Get rid of that belly:

Gorge Up!